Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Dollhouse Cont'd

Dollhouse - this week- the plot thickens. Now the show is getting interesting, it somewhat reminds me of Dark Angel. Deep and complicated, but we shall see if Dollhouse can keep it interesting or if it will fall flat- I am beginning to have hope though.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Dollhouse premiered on Friday night. It was interesting- If I had to pass complete judgement now- I would say its going to be a dud. However I am willing to give it a little more time. It had a very confusing story line and it actually felt a little slow. While it had nuances that could turn it into a very interesting story I felt like it was lacking a big juicy bite of steak instead it was a bit of fluff. I will be patient and wait and hope that the steak is coming soon. On the other hand- terminator has been moved to friday before Dollhouse and it was another fast paced and very entertaining episode!

Friday, February 13, 2009

What's to Come

Confessions of a shopaholic coming soon.


Push- The Movie

While the story line was very interesting and complex much of the story was slightly illogical. I am not a huge fan of movies that lead up to a sequal either- which is exactly what this movie is one long set up for number 2 much like Jumper. Dakota was fun to watch as she is growing up and her character in the movie pranced around in a mini skirt the entire time- loved the drunk scene. I can't wait to see what she is capable of as she gets older and hopefully does not follow along in the wake of many child actor stars who are now in rehab. Anyway- the movie- was definitely entertaining and the plot did not follow the usual of many movies where you can lay out the entire movie based on the title. Not a bad watch and if number two speeds up the story line a little- number one had some very dragged out moments- the whole series should be a good watch.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Taken- the movie.
Overall its fairly entertaining. The plot is not bad- the movie continues to move quickly- thank goodness. Although I will say that some of the scenes are quite trite and overdone/stereotyped. I mean really- how often can the hero jump behind a couch to avoid bullet holes? Not that the hero in this movie does it more than once but it is a move that is fairly overused in the industry. Like Bond our hero makes it through to the end of the movie with only a few minor bumps and bruises and finally a bullet wound in the last five minutes. The man must have been a genius in his job to have as many men shooting at him as he did and always being able to dodge the bullet. Some oddities about the movie were that he did not seem interested in helping the other girls that were "taken." They only girl that matters was his daughter- while touching it puts the character in an awkward light. And by the way if he has all his buddies that want thim to go back to work because he is so good- and they can have steaks together and work together why could they not help in his mission to save his daughter- I mean what good are friends if you have to go on what should have been a suicide mission by yourself? Altogether the movie was fairly entertaining though. The cinematography was done quite well.