Thursday, March 5, 2009

A Protest of Morning Classes!

We need to seriously reconsider emerson's morning class policy. If any class is offered before noon the same class should be offered after noon. I am in my last semester and there was only one option for the consumer behavior class- 10am. Utterly pointless! While many might argue that in the real world the day starts earlier than 9am. I would like to retort that they are not consistently working from 9am to 10pm. If they are the rewards far outweigh taking a single morning class that is too damn early to make any impact on a student. Add to that the real world application of school extras (in my case AAF) in which we have 10pm, and midnight meetings, staying and working on the school's campaign until 2am a 10am class is absolutely ridiculous! fact has also shown that the older you get the more your brain patterns change, the younger you are (aka college studnets) the later your brain synopsis power at full speed. College students are at their prime brain functioning power in the late afternoon and not before- so really what is the point of having morning classes if the students brains are not fully functioning- we are wasting money and time especially when you are sitting in a 10am class that half way through the semester has covered nothing you have not already learned already. Pure frustration! However that frustration now has an outlet through this blog to be ranted about- and the best part- no one gives a hoot about this blog.

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